AI Camp Scholarship Opportunity

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AI Camp is an amazing program founded by Stanford Ph. D.s and taught by instructors from top universities like MIT and Columbia. Our goal is to give students top-tier AI education and connect them to the tech industry, providing real work experience and internships! We’re helping students achieve their dreams and opening doors for them in the tech industry.

This summer, students will have a chance to learn the latest AI software, improve their coding skills, and even walk away with a real AI project! It’s a fantastic opportunity that looks great on college and career resumes and can really help students stand out from the crowd! Check out what AI Camp Alumni had to say about their experience!

We’ve already given away over $1 million in scholarships to students across the country to take part in AI Camp, and we have only 100 more scholarships to give away. The deadline is coming up soon, so please encourage students to apply today! Please share our flyer and direct them to our quick 5-minute application here!

If you have any questions or need more information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me!



Michael Ke Zhang (Linkedin Profile)

Co-founder and Chief Instructor at AI Camp

AI Camp – learn AI with zero coding experience

Read about our latest blog posts about AI on Medium

Watch our Intro to AI at Youtube.
