Clubs and Sports

Huntsville High School (HHS) offers a wide range of extra-curricular activities for students to take part in.

Clubs and groups

Name Contact Notes
Anime and Book Club
Ms Cannon
See Ms Cannon in the library and listen to the announcements for meeting times and locations.
Athletics Club
Mr Clarke
The Athletics club organizes spirit week and many more activities in our school
Book Club
Ms Cannon
Members read a different title every month and meet weekly at lunch, as well as have discussions after school once per month. Google Classroom code: gn4n2bq
Caf Jam
Mr Witterick, Mr Scott, Mr Scott
The Caf Jam is a student-run variety show that happens three times each school year. It is an evening showcase of student talent, featuring rock bands and singer/songwriters. It is open to all students.
Chess Club
Mr Arndt
Listen to the announcements for meeting times and locations.
Eco Club
Mr Schilkie
Listen to the announcements for meeting times and locations.
Dungeons and Dragons
Mr Arndt
Listen to the announcements for meeting times and locations.
Hoya Leadership Council (HLC)
Mrs V Taylor
Ms Nicole Taylor
Improv meets every Thursday at lunch in the Drama Room. Students may participate or watch.
Link Crew
Link Crew is a team of senior students that work to welcome new HHS students to our school. They visit Grade 8 classrooms in June and organize and run the annual Grade 9 welcome dance. They participate in events throughout the school year that welcome guests into our building. The centerpiece of the Link Crew experience is the opportunity to deliver an amazing orientation day experience to our new students in September.
Math Circle
Mr Baumgart
Open to anyone with an interest in mathematics! Meet with Mr. Baumgart and Memorial University Professor, James Munroe, to work with some interesting math topics outside of the usual curriculum. This is intended to be a fun challenge for students who like to solve problems and might be interested in preparing for some upcoming math contests. Weekly meetings will usually be Monday or Thursday after school.
Most ensembles run all year long, and all students who take music are encouraged to participate. Our bands compete in local festivals every year. Annual band trips have been to American cities like Chicago, Cleveland, and New York. HHS Bands have also travelled to France twice and to Cuba four times. Senior Band: Meets Thursdays at 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Google Classroom code: TBD Grade 9 Band: Meets Thursdays at 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. HHS Vocals: Meets Tuesdays at lunch. Google Classroom code: TBD Jazz Band: Meets Mondays at 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Google Classroom code: TBD
HHS produces top quality musicals. We audition in the spring of odd numbered years with the performance at the Algonquin Theatre in Huntsville during the next school year.
Ontario Skills
Mr Spiers, Mrs Spiers, Mr McTavish, Mr Brady, Mr Littlefield, Mr Lomas, Mr Palmer
Skills Ontario are competitions in a wide variety of areas including baking, construction, robotics, welding, and robotics. Students should contact the tech and art teachers in the fall to find out details.
Sexuality and Gender Alliance (SAGA)
Ms Potts and Mrs Cooper
The SAGA club at HHS is for anyone who is looking for a safe space to eat lunch, socialize with fabulous folks, and discuss or debate topics of inclusion and acceptance! Typical meetings may include games, sharing of stories, Q & A, planning pride events, and so much more!
Student Mental Health Committee (MHC)
Mrs Beattie
MHC is a student developed and led committee that focuses on mental health promotion at HHS. We share information/resources and organize events and opportunities for fellow students and staff to engage in taking care of their own mental health, challenge stereotypes and reduce stigma.
Mr McTavish and Mr Palmer
Since 2016, Hoya Robotics team 4152 has wos awards in every district event they competed in. Google Classroom code: TBD Some highlights include: – Winner of the Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors at Georgian College FRC event 2019 – winner of the Team Spirit Award sponsored by FCA Foundation at the Ontario provincial Championships – Winner of the Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi at the North Bay FRC event – Winner of the District Engineering Inspiration Award at the Durham College FRC event. In the fall, students participate in a training camp then learn the skills necessary for the sub-team they apply for. From January to February the team builds a robot from using tools such as a CNC router, 3d printers, laser cutters, drill press and more! Competitions are in March and April, with provincial and world championships following. There are a variety of roles for students from the technical to business, photography and essay writing. There are also great scholarships!
Techno Girls
Only 12 percent of university computer science students are female. The Robotics team has created Techno Girls to level the playing field. Techno Girls have competed in programming competitions, learned how to design using CAD and made robots.

Sports – Fall

Name Contact Notes
Basketball – Junior Girls
Basketball – Senior Girls
Cross Country Running
Golf – Senior
Hockey – Boys
Mountain Bike Team
Soccer – Varsity Boys
Tennis – Senior Boys & Girls
Volleyball – Junior Boys
Volleyballs – Senior Boys

Sports – Winter

Name Contact Notes
Alpine Skiing - Boys and Girls
Basketball - Boys
Curling - Boys and Girls
Figure Skating - Boys and Girls
Hockey – Girls
Nordic Skiing - Boys and Girls
Swimming - Boys and Girls
Volleyball - Girls

Sports – Spring

Name Contact Notes
Badminton - Boys and Girls
Field Lacrosse - Boys and Girls
Golf - Juniors
Mountain Bike Club - Boys and Girls
Soccer - Girls
Swimming - Boys and Girls
Track & Field - Boys and Girls
Volleyball - Co-ed

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School Schedule
Period 1
8:50 - 10:05 a.m.
Period 2
10:15 - 11:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Period 3
12:30 - 1:45 p.m.
Period 4
1:55 - 3:10 p.m.
School Tumblr Schedule
Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Period 4
Block A
Block B
Block C
Block D
Block D
Block C
Block B
Block A
Block B
Block A
Block D
Block C
Block C
Block D
Block A
Block B

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