Specialized Services Department

Huntsville High School (HHS) is committed to increasing achievement, closing the academic gap, as well as increasing personal growth for students with Individual Education Plans (IEP).


Our department encourages students to self-advocate their strengths, needs, and accommodations to their teachers at HHS. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to ask our staff. We will be posting newsletters, resources, and information on this page to keep parents and students informed.

Specialized Services staff

Head of Specialized Services:

Jill Klodnicki

Academic Resource Room:

Allison Myers
Jennie Fairbass

Learning Strategies: 

Teresa Patterson
Andrea Laidlaw
Breandan Roche

Lead Special Education teacher:

[email protected]
[email protected]

Our exceptional group of educational assistants:

Chris Embury, Laurie Clarke, Jennie Exell,  Jayne Drinkwater, Barb Whaley, Stepaen Little, and Lynn Allsopp


Activated learning as a skill used in many classes across HHS. This learning involves supporting students with strategies for executive functioning skills.

We are supporting students with:

  • Working memory – holding in information while completing complex tasks
  • Metacognition – noticing how you are doing, thinking about your thinking
  • Sustained attention – paying attention, even if you aren’t interested
  • Organization
  • Response inhibition – thinking before you act
  • Flexibility – seeing many sides, adapting to change
  • Emotional control – managing feelings
  • Time management
  • Planning and prioritizing
  • Task initiation
  • Goal directed persistence

Fixed mindsets, helplessness, and hopelessness simply have no chance in a classroom focused on self-understanding, self-compassion, resilience, and solving problems together.

Learning Strategies courses and supports 

This course focuses on learning strategies to help students become better, more independent learners. Students will learn how to develop and apply literacy and numeracy skills, personal management skills, and interpersonal and teamwork skills to improve their learning and achievement in school, the workplace, and the community. The course helps students build confidence and motivation to pursue opportunities for success in secondary school and beyond. Learning Strategies also has time allocated for homework and tasks from other courses and helps allocate time to prepare for EQAO math. A student doesn’t need to have an IEP (Individual Education Plan) in order to take the learning strategies course.

This course focuses on learning strategies to help students become better, more independent learners. Students will learn how to develop and apply literacy and numeracy skills, personal management skills, and interpersonal and teamwork skills to improve their learning and achievement in school, the workplace, and the community. The course helps students build confidence and motivation to pursue opportunities for success in secondary school and beyond. Learning Strategies also has time allocated for homework and tasks from other courses and helps allocate time to prepare for the OSSLT (The Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test). A student doesn’t need to have an IEP (Individual Education Plan) in order to take the learning strategies course.

This course improves students’ learning and personal management skills, preparing them to make successful transitions to work, training and/or postsecondary education destinations. Students will assess their learning abilities and use literacy, numeracy and research skills and personal management techniques to maximize their learning. Students will investigate trends and resources to support their postsecondary employment, training, and/or education choices and develop a plan to help them meet their learning and career goals. This course is intended to support students and their studies as well as prepare them for the world of work and post-secondary studies and therefore, time is allocated for homework and tasks in other courses.

Please see the Learning Strategies Grade 8 Information video for more information. 

Life Skills Program

Our Life Skills Program at HHS is divided into three classrooms. Our team works together for a student centred approach and to meet the students where they are at, work with them and their families and community partners, close gaps, and gain skills for their future goals.

Practical Academic Life Skills classes at HHS

What is important to our students?

  • Relationships – systems, community, self, family, friends
  • Personal support networks
  • Community discovery and connection
  • Information, knowledge, and resources
  • Planning, action, and reflection
  • Skill development

Individual Education Plans

Individual Education Plans (IEP) are read by teachers on the first day of the semester. They are available during the first semester of the year. We encourage your feedback and your families, as knowledge of your student’s IEP is paramount in order to make it a successful and individualized document. Please call with any concerns, questions, or changes to the document. An IEP only works well if the student is involved and understands why it is needed or helpful.

Identification Placement and Review Committee

Individual Placement and Review Committee (IPRC) meetings take place for Grade 8 feeder schools between February and March at the feeder schools or in-person or via phone for students of HHS. Please email or call if you have any questions or if you have missed making your appointment. An identification from another board does not follow a student and is not always necessary to provide accommodations. We must refer them to the IPRC in TLDSB to see if a student meets criteria. We can always arrange a meeting with families to discuss a students’ needs, transitioning, as well as post-secondary options.

Are you in Grade 12 and hoping to take your IEP to college or university?

Please visit the Transition Resource Guide website to support your goals.

Note – financial aid presentations for students (and their parents/guardians) heading to post-secondary are usually held in May.

Community partners

Community Living Huntsville provides supports and advocacy for individuals with developmental disabilities. These include assistance in preparing for and securing employment and assistance with living independently in one’s own home.

The Muskoka Family Network is for families and friends touched by a differing ability to come together. It is all about connecting with other families. As a family network they can encourage family-to-family learning, enhance community relationships, deepen their own relationships, build leadership capacity, create a mentorship between families, create a hub where all communication flows, share resources, create lasting connections with other families as the students age, as well as create new relationships as they help each other.

One Kids Place is a fabulous community partner that is offering workshops for families. They also offer occupational therapy and speech therapy on a school based referral basis.

Transforming Together in 2023, was group workshops with our Community Partners: Community Living Huntsville, Health Nurse, etc. We worked with students in grade 11+ on several areas in their journey towards independence and graduation.

Transforming Together in 2021, was a unique series of workshops that were done live in April and May to support students with more complex profiles to navigate their own journey. We also did in-school sessions. Here are the recorded versions:


We have found that many students experience test stress, as well as being uncertain on how to time manage, support their ideas, and critically manage a test situation. The following resources are available in guidance for students to access. Please feel free to print and use. They have been adapted from college and university support centres. In addition, courses such as learning strategies are critical for learning some of these key skills by a trained teacher.

Technology is sometimes important, and in other ways essential to a student’s learning. It is important for each student to use equipment that would benefit them in their classes. Many students use Board issued laptops, as well as their own laptops, iPads, notebooks, netbooks, e-readers, and cell phones. These pieces of technology allow for students to become increasingly independent, as well as becoming more aware of their personal learning style. Technology will benefit them in future courses, province-wide tests, and post-secondary courses.


  • Google Read and Write – Read and Write for Google Chrome provides support tools for the web and common file types accessed through Google Drive, including Google Docs, Google Slides, PDFs, and ePubs.
  • Sora – Access digital and audio books online through Sora on your Chromebook or an app for your phone. 
  • Prep Anywhere – An online program to support math with video solutions. 
  • Google Calendar – The online Google Calendar, part of the Google Suite, is an amazing tool to keep students organized! It can be uploaded on its own to your phone and can sync your assignments, meets, etc. to keep you organized.

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School calendar

Safe @ School

Report form


School registration


Student Services


Transportation info.

School Schedule
Period 1
8:50 – 10:05 a.m.
Period 2
10:15 – 11:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Period 3
12:30 – 1:45 p.m.
Period 4
1:55 – 3:10 p.m.
School Tumblr Schedule
Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Period 4
Block A
Block B
Block C
Block D
Block D
Block C
Block B
Block A
Block B
Block A
Block D
Block C
Block C
Block D
Block A
Block B

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